Terms & Conditions

1.    Delegates wishing to present an Oral or Video presentation/s are invited to submit a short summary for consideration.  Results must be clearly presented in the abstract and no late abstracts will be accepted.

2.    Abstract submissions to be submitted online by 15 June 2020.

3.    The Congress Scientific Committee reserves the right to select Orals and Videos for presentation.

4.    Abstracts received will be acknowledged and notification of acceptance or rejection will be by email by

30 June 2020.

5.    All presenting authors are requested to fully register for the congress by 1 August 2020.  If no registration and payment for the congress has been received by this deadline, the presentation will not be listed in the programme.  This measure has been taken to overcome any “no-shows” disrupting the programme.

6.    Please read the submission requirements carefully as abstracts submitted will not be changed later.

7.    Conflict of Interest: If the research is funded (partially or fully) by a proprietary organisation, a statement to that effect must be included at the bottom of the abstract.

8.    Please note that no more than three submissions will be allowed per presenter due to possible programme limitations.

9.    All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract collection without further editing. Abstracts that do not adhere to the specified format cannot be included in the collection.


Submission Themes:

 - Scientific

 - Video Presentations


Instructions to Submit an Abstract:

  1. Abstract Sign In:  Please sign into the Abstract Portal with your account email address and password. If you have not yet submitted a presentation, please create a new account.
  2. Contact Information:  Complete the information required on the Contact Information tab.


Instructions to Author:

  1. Title & Presentation Type: 

·        Insert the full title of the proposed presentation. Title should not exceed 30 words.

·        Preferred format of presentation (Oral or Video)

  1. Theme & Keywords: 

·        Choose category you wish to submit under

  1. Authors & Affiliations:

·        Author(s) Affiliation

·        Abstract Authors(s)

·        The name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors

·        Presenting Author Biography

  1. Abstract Upload:

·        Abstracts must be typed in English and a special character keyboard is available.

·        The body of the text must not exceed 300 words

The abstract must adhere to the following format:

o   Introduction: should be brief and informative and state the aim of the study;

o   Methods: include description of subjects and research methodology;

o   Results: outline the findings of the study supported by statistics as appropriate. Do not use figures, graphs or tables in the abstract. The data provided must be sufficient to permit peer review of the abstract;

o   Conclusion: provide summary and relevance of the main findings.

  1. AV Requirements:

·        The meeting rooms are equipped with data projectors, screen, mic, audio, clicker and only MS PowerPoint will be accepted.

·        MAC plug-points will be provided at the lecterns if the presentation is not compatible with IBM systems or contain a large amount of videos.

  1. Review:

·        This will allow you to review your completed submission.

  1. Submit:

·        Before you submit your abstract you must agree to the ‘Terms & Conditions’


Please note the following deadline dates for presenters:

15 June 2020:  Abstract Submissions Close

30 June 2020:  Notification of Acceptances

1 August 2020:  Submitters Registration Deadline

3-6 September 2020:  SASES Congress

How to submit your abstract

Submit an Abstract