
Abstract submissions are closed and all submitters have been advised of their results. 


Terms & Conditions

1.    Delegates wishing to present are invited to submit a short summary for consideration.  Results must be clearly
       presented in the abstract and no late abstracts will be accepted.

2.    Abstract submissions are to be submitted online by 30 June 2023.

3.    The Congress Scientific Committee reserves the right to select abstracts for presentation.

4.    Abstracts received will be acknowledged and notification of acceptance or rejection will be by email by 
       7 July 2023.

5.    All presenting authors are requested to fully register by 14 July 2023.  

6.    Please read the submission requirements carefully as abstracts submitted will not be changed later.

7.    Conflict of Interest: If the research is funded (partially or fully) by a proprietary organisation, a statement to that effect
        must be included at the bottom of the abstract.

8.    Please note that no more than three submissions will be allowed per presenter due to possible programme

Submission Themes:

- Upper GI
- Lower
- Liver
- Scientific

Information Required

Profile:  The presenting author should create and complete the online submission and not a co-author. The biography is compulsory as the chairperson will use this to introduce each speaker. It will also be loaded to the congress' mobile app.

Category:  Select the category you wish to submit your abstract under. Oral Presentation (8 min + 2 mins Q&A) or Mini Oral Presentation (3 min + 2 mins Q&A).

Title:  Insert the full title of the proposed presentation. Title should not exceed 30 words.

Co-authors:  Insert full names and contact information. 

Co-presenters:  Please select this function if another author will be co-presenting the paper with you at the congress (limited to 1 per presentation).

Text:  Insert the text of the abstract.  You will not be able to type additional words once the limit has been reached, so please check your abstract once submitted.  Do not insert the title or co-authors in this text block. Check that special characters have copied correctly. Check that the full abstract has been successfully uploaded by logging out and logging in to your profile again. Text should not exceed 300 words.

Additional information: Provide website consent and email address of the presenting author.

Please note the following deadline dates for presenters:

30 June 2023:  Abstract submissions close

07 July 2023:   Notification of acceptances

14 July 2023:   Submitter registration deadline

09 - 12 August 2023: SAGES Congress 2023