Terms & Conditions
1. Delegates wishing to present contributed papers and posters are invited to submit a full paper for consideration.
Results must be clearly presented in the abstract and no late abstracts will be considered.
2. Full papers to be submitted online by 24 July 2024 (Extended)
3. Full papers will be acknowledged and the results will be via email by 9 August 2024
5. All presenting authors are requested to register for the conference by 15 August 2024. If no registration and
payment has been received by this deadline, the presentation will not be listed in the programme.
This measure has been taken to overcome any “no-shows” disrupting the programme.
6. Please read the submission requirements carefully as full papers submitted can not be changed later.
7. Potential or Perceived Conflict of Interest: If the research is funded (partially or fully) by a proprietary
organisation, a statement to that effect must be included at the bottom of the submission.
The conference programme contains a mixture of workshops, contributed papers and posters related to the following thematic areas.
Workshops proposal related to the thematic areas are invited through the conference submission portal - please see the Call for Workshops tab for guidelines.
Submissions are invited for contributed papers and poster papers in the following categories:
Category A: Contributed Papers.
All papers for this category will go through a blind peer review process to determine suitability for oral presentation at the conference.
1. Each paper must not exceed 6000 words (excluding cover page and abstract) and must be written in
English as Microsoft word document with a font size of 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
2. The cover page must clearly indicate the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s).
3. Reference, tables and figures must comply with Agrekon journal standards.
Category B: Contributed Poster Papers
All poster papers for this category will go through a blind peer review process to determine suitability for presentation at the conference.
1. Each poster paper must not exceed 2500 words (excluding cover page and abstract) and
must be written in English as Microsoft word document with a font size of 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
2. The cover page must clearly indicate the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s).
3. Reference tables and figures must comply with Agrekon journal standards.
General Information
(use the grey button at the end of this document to start the process)
1. Sign In: Please sign into the submission portal with your account email address and password. If you have
not yet submitted a presentation, please create a new account. The presenting author needs to create the account
as results will be sent to the account holder.
2. Contact Information: Complete the information required on the Contact Information tab.
Instructions to Author
3. Title & Presentation Type:
4. Theme:
5. Authors & Affiliations:
6. Abstract & Full Paper Upload:
7. Review:
8. Submit:
Please note the following deadline dates for presenters
24 July 2024 Submissions Deadline
9 August 2024 Notification of Acceptances
15 August 2024 Submitter's Registration Deadline
9 - 11 September 2024 AEASA Conference 2024