Congress Speakers

Judith S. Beck, PhD - USA

Judith S. Beck, PhD, is President of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Subjects of Presentations: 
CBT 2024 (Keynote)
2. CT-R (Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy)  
Therapeutic Relationship in CBT 

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Dr Frank Dattilio (PhD) - USA

Dr Dattilio, Ph.D., ABPP is a practicing Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, who is board-certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology

Subjects of Presentations: 
1. Self-care of mental health professionals (Keynote)  
2. Dialogue session - TBA  

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Helen Macdonald - UK

Helen Macdonald is a UK Accredited Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer and EABCT Board Member (Training Co-ordinator) 

Subjects of Presentations: 
1. Persistent pain management
2. Standards, accreditation, and CBT quality assurance 
3. CBT Training guidelines - TBC

Dr Lata McGinn, PhD - USA

Dr McGinn is the president of the World Confederation of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (WCCBT), a global multidisciplinary organization comprised of six regional CBT membership organizations (ABCT, ACBTA, AACBT, EABCT, ALAMOC, and IACBT)

Subjects of Presentations: 
1. Welcome from WCCBT President 
Universal Prevention in Youth (Keynote)
3. CBT skills training for clinical conditions (PTSD, Anxiety, Depression - TBA) 

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Dr Allen Miller, PhD - USA

Dr Miller is the director of CBT programs at Beck Institute

Subjects of Presentations: 

CBT in Practice: Conceptualization and treatment 


2. CBT skills training for clinical conditions (Personality Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Substance abuse, Chronic pain - TBA) 
3. Supervision and training,  CTRS-R
4. AI symposium – TBC

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Dr Peter Phiri, PhD - UK

Dr Phiri is the Director of Research & Innovation at the Southern Heath NHS Foundation Trust, UK and PAN Chair. 

Subjects of Presentations:
1. Pan African CBT Network
2. CBT for Psychosis
3. Task sharing
Cultural Diversity & adaptation of CBT
Research in Africa – TBA

Dr Shirley Reynolds, PhD - UK

Dr Reynolds Director of Psychosocial Interventions, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Global Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health the Child Mind Institute.

Subjects of Presentations: 
1. The puzzle of Adolescent Depression (Keynote)
2. What matters to me, adolescent motivation for treatment

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Dr Paul Salkovskis (PhD) - UK

Dr Salkovskis, PhD, is the Director, Oxford Centre for Psychological Health

Subjects of Presentations: 
1. CBT for clinical conditions (OCD, Hoarding - TBA)
2. CBT for Health Anxiety – TBC 

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Dr Dan Stein - SA

Prof Stein is Professor and Chair of the Dept of Psychiatry at the University of Cape Town, and Director of the South African Medical Research Council’s Unit on Risk & Resilience in Mental Disorders.  

Subject of Presentation: 
1. Philosophy of CBT