Call for Papers

The Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy Association of South Africa (CBTASA) is proud to announce its inaugural conference, with the theme:

 CBT: Application and Accessibility in Africa.

Africa, like the rest of the world, grapples with the widening gap between resources and the escalating prevalence of mental health challenges. Confronted by economic and political adversities, including poverty, war, displacement, and the legacy of colonialism, mental health providers bear the crucial responsibility of providing and developing effective and accessible CBT appropriate to our unique circumstances and cultural heritages.

Through this congress, we hope to illuminate success stories, confront challenges, and share lessons learned in the promotion and implementation of CBT within the African context. We extend a warm invitation to researchers and practitioners from Africa and beyond to submit abstracts for this inaugural congress.

Our program aims to offer foundational and advanced CBT skills training through in-congress workshops as well as skills training sessions. This is complemented by a variety of opportunities to present relevant research in symposia, clinical round tables, panel discussions, open papers, technical demonstrations, and posters.

Please see important dates and guidelines below.


Terms & Conditions

1. Delegates wishing to present are invited to submit an abstract for consideration. 

2. Research based abstracts should present original research and should adhere to the following requirements; abstract must provide a clear and concise summary of your research, including the background to the study, the methods employed, a presentation of the results, and a conclusion. Please ensure that your abstract aligns with these guidelines and is directly relevant to the theme or topic.

3. Abstract submissions are to be submitted online by 15 June 2024 (Extended).

4. The Congress Scientific Committee will ensure that all abstracts undergo a peer review process and reserves the right to select abstracts for presentation.

5. Abstracts received will be acknowledged and notification of acceptance or rejection will be by email by 30 June 2024.

6. All presenting authors are requested to fully register for the congress by 15 July 2024.

7. Please read the submission requirements carefully as abstracts submitted will not be changed later.

8. Conflict of Interest: If the research is funded (partially or fully) by a proprietary organisation, a statement to that effect must be included at the bottom of the abstract.

9. Please note that no more than three submissions will be allowed per presenter due to possible programme limitations.

We look forward to your submissions around the following themes (but not limited to):

Submission Themes:

1.         Theme 1: Advancing CBT in Africa
Description: This sub-theme focuses on the practical application of CBT models and treatment approaches . We invite submissions from clinical practitioners, researchers, and health care professionals actively working with clinical disorders and diverse populations within an African context to share practical insights, innovative strategies and the challenges and lessons learned from real-world experiences with CBT applications.

o    Sub-Theme 1: Clinical applications of CBT among diverse populations in Africa
o    Sub-Theme 2: Community-Centered CBT Interventions in Africa
o    Sub-Theme 3: Cultural Competence in CBT Practice

.         Theme 2: Innovation and Accessibility in CBT
Description: This theme focuses on the advancements and challenges in making CBT more innovative and accessible, particularly in diverse African cultural contexts. We encourage submissions from clinical practitioners, educators, and researchers who are pioneering in the cultural adaptation of CBT, enhancing training and supervision across cultures, and utilizing digital technology to broaden the reach of CBT. 

o    Sub-Theme 1: Cultural Adaptation of CBT
o    Sub-Theme 2: Cross-Cultural Training, Supervision and Capacity Building
o    Sub-Theme 3: Leveraging Digital Technology for Enhanced CBT Accessibility

Theme 3: Advocacy and Policy in Mental Health
Description: This theme concentrates on the critical roles of advocacy and policy-making in the realm of mental health, with an emphasis on CBT. It seeks contributions from activists, policy makers, mental health professionals, and researchers who are involved in shaping mental health policies, advocating for the inclusion and recognition of CBT, and working towards reducing stigma and enhancing public awareness of mental health issues. This theme is an opportunity to discuss strategies, challenges, and successes in influencing mental health policy and public perception, with a view to promoting more effective and widespread use of CBT in mental health care in Africa.

o    Sub-Theme 1: Advocacy for CBT in Mental Health Policy
o    Sub-Theme 2: Addressing Stigma and Enhancing Public Awareness

Information Required

Profile and Biography (250 words):  
The presenting author should create and complete the online submission and not a co-author. The biography is compulsory as the chairperson will use this to introduce each speaker. It will also be loaded to the congress' mobile app. 

  1. The speaker’s name and title
  2. Their current affiliation
  3. Relevant experience and expertise
  4. Education and qualifications

Select the category you wish to submit your abstract under (please note the details to be included in the text box for the category you choose):

  • Skills Training in conference
    Who the skills training session is aimed at
    Background information - setting the scene
    Learning Objectives
    Teaching Methods
    Background Readings (book or peer reviewed publications, max 5)

  • Symposium
    Convenor and chair with affiliation
    Abstract of each presentation with title, authors of each presentation with affiliation, abstract for each presentation

  • Panel Discussion
    Chair with affiliation
    Abstract describing the topic and an objective for the discussion
    Panelists with affiliation

  • Flashtalk

  • Poster

Insert the full title of the proposed presentation. Title should not exceed 30 words.

Insert full names and contact information. 

Please select this function if another author will be co-presenting the paper with you at the congress (limited to 1 per presentation).

Insert the text of the abstract.  You will not be able to type additional words once the limit has been reached, so please check your abstract once submitted.  Do not insert the title or co-authors in this text block. Check that special characters have been copied correctly. Check that the full abstract has been successfully uploaded by logging out and logging in to your profile again. Text should not exceed 300 words.

Additional information: 
Provide website consent and email address of the presenting author.

Please note the following deadline dates for presenters:

15 June  2024:    Abstract submissions close
30 June 2024:     Notification of acceptances
15 July 2024:      Submitter registration deadline
30 August - 01    September 2024: CBTASA 2024 Congress

Abstract Guidelines 

Submit an Abstract 

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